I just watched an awesome video done by Harley Johnson if you know that name or think it is familiar it is Durianriders on Youtube. He discusses how so many people feel the way he eats is somewhat insane that he consumes too many carbohydrates. In contrast a lot of these people that say he is eating too many carbs are probably consuming too many protein rich foods like your meats, dairy and other protein based products like whey powders and such that are animal product based. Personally I have no problem with the way Harley eats he is an Elite athlete has proven in blood test results that he is extremely healthy with NO problems in any areas if anything he is in great optimum health. Even more so himself and many other raw foodists are in better physical and mental health then most of the protein crazed athletes on the planet and I have a feeling that they are most likely jealous of Harley and the other raw vegans/vegan athletes. Really year after year so many vegan athletes are kicking the butts of all these animal protein muscle heads there must be reason right?.
It comes down to a lot of people not believing in another lifestyle because they could not see themselves living this way saying things like I need my MEAT!. Really if a way of life is healing people, reducing obesity on the planet, and allowing people to thrive in life why bash it?. This is a lifestyle thats is going to SAVE LIVES, so many people on this planet we have seen over the years with society consuming mass amounts of animals and there bi-products and what is happening to the masses of people possibly even yourself that are full of illness, on the verge of death, childhood obesity on a steady climb, and diabetes is at a all time high and really no end is in sight.
Dr's, Naturopaths, Nutritionists and Diatician's have been saying for years now how beneficial a lifestyle of mainly fruits and veggies in there raw state can attribute to weight loss, reduction in Diabetes, healing , and reversal of the aging process, and skin health as well.
The reason I mention skin health is because the quality of our skin is a sign of how healthy you are. If you have acne, skin blemishes, rashes, even psoriasis and other skin issues, constant white heads or pimple. This is a sign that your body is plugged up full of toxins and that your bodie's defenses cannot operate to the best of there abilities.
Meaning that over the years that you may have been abusing your body with fast food, greasy fries, gravies, and other fats, salt, sugar, and chemical laden foods it has clogged up your liver, kidneys and your colon and intestines.
Now is the time to listen to what your outer body is telling you about your internal organs. Even if only for a short amount of time give yourself and your body a green juice detox. Once you start reomivng the toxins in your body you will feel energized, your skin will get this glow to it your eyes will become glossy and clear.
Sorry I went off topic Starve or eat and thrive first off Harley is right you must eat if you want to live a thriving lifestyle fitness is key yes if you eat the starcy carbs like potato chips, white rice, and bread and cereals then yes you will pack on the pounds but if your consuming raw fruits and veggies like Harley and then running or riding your bike for a few miles everyday or doing a marathon or already have a physique of like 10-15% body fat then you need the fruits and veggies to equal the caloric intake that your body is buring off. Elite athletes burn calories like a supercar burns up fuel Harley aka Durianriders is a Elite athlete so instead of bashing his way of life look at how healthy energized and motivated this guy is and jus imagine what your life could be like if you went raw.
Eating more is not putting weight on eating more is needed raw foods have the energy needed to live a thriving lifestyle if your not eating enough of the fruits then your going to find yourself diverting to the junk all over again. Seriously do you think Harley Johnson is FAT NO he is in better shape then most bodybuilders and probably could out run most athletes. This guy not only competively trains with Tour De France Cyclists he is also a professioanl cyclist in his own right and a marathoner as well. Some of these cyclist's they only ride there bikes Harley is also an elite level runner.
I just find it so pathetic that most of society are bashing the raw foodists when in truth this sector of society are the ones that will probably end up saving the live's of a lot of obese/morbidly obese and ill people that actually look into this lifestyle.
If you only took the time too really see that eating more fruits and veggies can make you smarter, more focused, slimmer, and more driven in life. You would probably say why did I not look at this earlier in life.
So if you like to eat simple, no cooking required foods, and would like to lose weight at the same time and finally get rid of the muffin-top/spare tire and the thunder thigh's, then look at this lifestyle for your Transformation!.
Remember any lifestyle you choose to live you need to get off YOUR BUTT!! It is simple find something you like too do that gets you moving it could be walking with a girlfriend or guy friend, cycling, jogging, weight lifting, soccer, basketball, football you know what I'm saying NO SITTING AND PLAYING VIDEO GAMES DOESN'T COUNT!! however if it is interactive games like with the Wii or the Xbox Kinect then go for it.
P.S. I have enclosed that video by Durianriders if this interests you.
One last thing most physicians will not tell you about this RAW FOOD lifestyle simply because if they did it would put them out of business. If you researched this some more you would see that thousands of people who have converted to this way of life have cured themselves from cancer, diabetes, skin diseases and other illnesses, as well they have also bounced back from serious health disasters like stroke and heart attack as in the instance of Dave the Raw Food Truck Driver.
Live Raw, Live Clean, and Strong!!
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